How to Analyze Anchors Report
Understanding the anchor texts and Anchors Report used for your backlinks, the distribution of referring TLDs, and the semantic locations in HTML where your links are placed can provide deep insights into your website’s backlink profile. Here’s how to analyze these factors using our SEO tool.

Top Referring Anchors Report
Top 10 Referring Anchors: This section lists the most common anchor texts used in links to your website.
- Analyze the relevance and diversity of the anchor texts to ensure they align with your SEO strategy.

Referring TLDs Distribution
TLD Distribution Donut Chart: This chart shows the breakdown of Top-Level Domains (like .com, .org, .net) from which your backlinks are coming.
- A diverse TLD distribution can indicate a global presence and authority across the web.

Semantic Locations in HTML
Semantic Locations Donut Chart: Here, you’ll see where your links are placed within the HTML structure of referring pages, such as in articles, main sections, asides, or headers.
- The placement of links can affect their SEO value, with links within the main content typically being more beneficial.

Utilizing the Table
- Anchor Text: Identifies the clickable text used in the hyperlink pointing to your site.
- Anchor Rank: Gives a ranking to the specific anchor text, which can indicate the value of the linked text in the context of SEO.
- Referring Pages: Shows how many pages are using the particular anchor text to link to your site.
- Referring Domains: The number of unique domains that use the specified anchor text in links to your site.
- Backlinks: Total number of backlinks associated with the particular anchor text.
- Broken Backlinks: Indicates if there are any broken links using the specific anchor text.
- Broken Pages: The number of pages with broken links using that anchor text.
- First Seen: The first date when the tool detected the anchor text linking to your site.

By assessing this data, you can refine your content and outreach strategies to enhance the quality and effectiveness of your backlink profile, ensuring that the anchor texts and placements contribute positively to your overall SEO efforts.